On the other hand, you can use Montezuma’s special ability to exploit luxuries and increase your military power. Also, the Aztecs’ unique building is Tlachtli, which provides amenities, faith, and Great General points. The unit works on everyone except Barbarians. Their unique unit is the Eagle Warrior, which converts all defeated enemies into builders. In fact, the Aztecs have a faster building time compared to other Civs and they can build cities in places that are off-limits to most. Since the Aztecs can distribute their amenities however they want, including them on our list was a no-brainer. With it, you can replace aqueducts and get more housing and amenities. When you unlock the Engineering Tech, you’ll get access to Rome’s unique building, the Roman Baths. What’s more, the unique unit of this Civ is Legion, which is slightly more expensive than a swordsman but is also stronger.

For example, the leader’s ability is called Trajan’s Column, and you can use it to grant all cities one building in their city center. Now, Rome might not be the most exciting Civ in the game, but it still has a lot to offer. Your special ability will be the Religious Convert. With the building, you can see through forests and jungles and you won’t get a penalty when moving through them. The unique infrastructure from Kongo is Mbanza and the building is Ngao Mbeba.

But you will also have to focus only on a Cultural Victory. If you choose Kongo, you will be able to produce gold and food much faster than usual. Next up in our ranking, we have Kongo’s infamous leader, who wants to spread Christianity in his empire. Also, this Civ’s unique unit is the War Cart.

But keep in mind that you won’t be able to get these points if you build it on a hill. Sumeria’s unique building is The Ziggurat, which provides Culture and Science if you build it near a river. With it, you can share combat experience and pillaging rewards with your nearest allied unit. Gilgamesh’s special ability is Adventures with Enkidu. So, if you want to pillage huge cities when you first start the game, Sumeria should be your number one choice. In Civ 6, until founded cities have walls, they can’t attack but must have open borders. But since other Civs don’t get any incentives from the game to build cities close to the water, you actually won’t have much to conquer. Now, the problem with choosing Norway is that it’s only good for conquering coastal cities. Norway’s unique building is the Stave Church and its unique unit is the Berserker.