According to CK2's wikia page: The console is opened by pressing § + Shift. event 1034 = lose diligent (also event 1551) add_friend = Befriends the player and specific character (Two character ID's can be input to befriend two specific characters). Within the same realm, characters have -10 opinion towards characters of other cultures, and -20 across culture groups (reduced by Tolerance Technology). event 6114 = lose plague trait Instead of increasing or decreasing certain traits, you can also use Crusader Kings II cheats to change a trait altogether. event 1058 = lose trusting I don't know half of you half as well as I should like and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. In addition to that, there are various Province ids, event ids, trait ids and religion ids to create a kingdom designed exactly how you want it. religion = Change character religion (for example, " religion catholic ").
Crusader Kings II Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. In Europa Universalis IV, there is no simple way to change the religion of a state. event 6060 = gain ill trait Will NOT work in IronMan Mode. population (-)(#) = Adds population (Requires Horse Lords DLC), Manpower (-)(#) = Adds manpower (Requires Horse Lords DLC). event 1041 = lose proud (also event 1601) event 6030 = gain possessed trait (non-Muslim) event 4050 = "spy" event, gives lump piety, or prestige or martial temporary traits. event 4020= "poachers" event, gives chioce between temporary trait giving prestige and random other event to punish the poachers. event 1561 = lose envious The code would look like this: In this case, the culture would have six possible male names, female names and dynasty names. How to find character IDs: commands.gg/ck2/blog/console-help#charids. event 1591 = lose patient event CM.6116 = Becomes shy So for it to work correctly, you have to put a character ID in. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game.

You can add wealth to your kingdom, play as a specific character, destroy settlements, change laws freely and much more. event RIP.4530 = Physician studies at hospital, event RIP.4030 = Physician writing a great book. Ck2 Change Laws Cheat Taking over the country with such system is quite a challenge. event 1650 = gain craven (also event 271) Crusader Kings II – Cheats PC. basically divine blood without the inbred and lunatic thingneg_diplo = Toggles sending of diplomatic proposals that will be ots_known = Toggle plot visibilityrevolt = Causes revolt in province.
event CM.6114 = Becomes lethargic event CM.6106 = Character becomes zealous Cheats. Event 1049 = lose content (also event 1701) event CM.6124 = Becomes scholar You can find the list of province ID's on the wikipedia.