/whisper (player): Sends a private message./whois (player): Displays that player's info to you./whoami: Displays your account information to you./who (channel): Lists all the characters in a given channel./users: Displays all number of users, games and channels on the server./unignore (player): Turns off squelch for this player./unsquelch (player): Turns off squelch for this player./squelch (player): Ignore messages from this player./reply: Replies to the last message sent./d2notify: Toggle channel enter/leave notifications./msg (D2 Allows messages to be sent between the realms: USWest, USEast, Asia, or Europe./msg *(accountname): Sends a message to any character logged on from that account./msg (character name): Sends a private message./msg (player): Sends a private message./ignore (player): Squelches messages from this player.CTRL+M: Diablo II: Toggles music on and the main menus.