In its current state the file cannot be used for Importing, so it must be converted. In this case it is a 327th addon, so I did CNTRL + F "327th" and found the file: Once you are in that folder, you can CNTRL + F and search for your addon. To locate the file, navigate to you Gmod addons folder which will be at - //steamapps/common/garrysmod/garrysmod/addons Once the addon has been downloaded, you will need to find the actual file.

Pretty self explanatory, you need to download the addon into your Gmod Files so just subscribe to the addon and launch Gmod for the addon to be downloaded. STEP 1 - Find the addon you want to Import fromįor this demonstration, I will be using this Clone Wars Addon. Those are the only 3 programs you will need to have to Import any model/bodygroup.