Monk Class: Learns the new “EPIPHANY” skill.Demon Hunter Class: Learns the new “VENGEANCE” skill.Barbarian Class: Learns the new “AVALANCHE” skill.Each class will unlock a new skill at level 61, as well as five runes. The Reaper of Souls expansion increases you level cap from 60 to 70. (Must be done before March 31st, 2014 is over.) Unlockable Skills Click the mail icon to open the delivery window, select the Wings of Valor, and then click “Claim.” The wings will appear in your hero’s inventory and can be equipped immediately by right-clicking on the item’s icon. Wings of Valor: Log into the game on any one of your heroes and look for a small mail icon in the lower left of the screen.How to unlock the free costume in the game: – Second, activate your Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls key code on. – First, pre-order the expansion digitally on. We’ll list how to get them below, but first let’s go over how to unlock them for use in the game itself. PS: Hopefully in Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls we’ll see the return of the fun cheat codes! Unlockable Special Costumes Note: Where x is a number from 1 to 8, the higher the more difficult the monsters, but also the more experience, gold and item drops they give you. Unlock “Set Higher Player Count” in singleplayer by typing: /players x.

Unlock “Every Sound” by typing: soundchaosdebug.